door Green Film Making | feb 25, 2014 | Green Network
In January, we were very proud to host Nicola Knoch as a seminar leader, in our first Green Film Making Workshop of 2014. Her work as an on-set ‘sustainability representative’, strives to provide a more human and holistic approach to traditional film...
door Green Film Making | feb 25, 2014 | Green Network
The Green Film Making Project, an initiative of Strawberry Earth, is made possible by way of partnerships with many pre-existing, established entities. One of the most reputable is The Netherlands Film Fund. In this latest edition of the Who’s Who in Green...
door Green Film Making | feb 25, 2014 | Green Network
Producer Kathleen Courtney has always been aware of the environment. But bringing this knowledge to the realm of her work practise from her personal interests -and in a meaningful way- was not always seemingly easy. When first faced with the idea of going green for...
door Green Film Making | feb 25, 2014 | Green Network
Film production within Flanders, in the northern part of Belgium, is taking on sustainability in a major way. And for this, we have Siebe Dumon to thank. Siebe got her start in the industry, as a producer in TV production. She is someone who knows what it means to...
door Green Film Making | feb 25, 2014 | Green Network
Having most recently worked on Baz Luhrmann’s multi-million dollar Hollywood blockbuster “The Great Gatsby”, as well as having just published the free online Good Green Production Bible, Jane Fullerton’s GreenShoot Pacific has big things on the...
door Green Film Making | feb 25, 2014 | Green Network
In our “Who’s Who in Green Film Making” series will introduce you to the most significant players in the field of Green Film Making. Our mission is to present you with an easy guide for navigating the expanding community of green production. This way, we can keep...